September 2010

And from Denis Letourneau:

"This Picture was taken on July 16, 2010; we are from Quebec City, Canada. This is my family, my wife and my two daughters"

Guus Limberger from The Netherlands sent us this message along with his photo 'Crossing Over'...........

"Hello, I saw your web-site, very nice! It is so nice to see all those people, from all over the world wanting to do the same thing. Enclosed is my picture taken in 1995, 23rd April to be precise. Good luck and much success with your nice site............" Guus also sent several pictures showing the changing logo above the Studio door and of Sir Paul on the Crossing. Many thanks Guus but unfortunately there are too many to add here. [JJ]

Peter Rappolt sent this picture with the message:

"Viva the duo from Sydney Australia crossing Abbey Road in July 2010. Viva the duo were on a promotional tour of Europe and UK"

August 8th will always be a special date for me - it was the date I started working at Abbey Road way back in 1966. It is also a date that the Clarkson family will remember for a long time.[JJ] Mark Clarkson writes:

"Hi. This is a picture of my family crossing Abbey Road. We 'crossed over' on 8th August 2010, some 41 years and approximately 2 hours after the Fab Four. I am leading the crossing followed by my son Joshua, daughter Charlotte and wife Kirsty. My mum (Mavis) risked life and limb to take the photo...............

..............We visited London from our native Keighley, in West Yorkshire, England and just had to visit the crossing. The second picture attached is of all our group sat on the steps leading to the entrance of the studio. A kindly American took this photo, hence Mavis makes an appearance in this photo. Cheers - Mark"