June 2005

The following collection of pictures (above and below) come from Karen Lassiter:

Hello good people.... My name is Karen Lassiter and I am here at Abbey Road "crossing over" with my son, Marcus. I bought him here to London to celebrate his 23rd birthday and of course, we had to stop on by Abbey Road!! We were here on holiday from the United States (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to be exact) from April 22nd to April 29th, 2005 (these photos were taken April 27th) and we had the best time ever. Crossing Abbey Road was quite an experience for me and my son and this is definitely one of those instances that will be talked about amongst our family for many generations!!!!

Thanks so much!!! Karen and Marcus

Looks like you had a brilliant day! Thanks for sending the pictures Karen!

This is Shari Broder, Eliza Bryant, Andrea Bryant and Eric Bryant - from Freeport, Maine, USA - 'Crossing Over' on April 16th 2005. They had arranged for their friends back home to watch them via the Abbey Road web cam 'live from Abbey Road'.......
........and this is Eric and his daughters Andrea and Eliza at the sign.
Nol from Holland writes: I am Nol van Iersel from Eindhoven, Holland. When I was 15 years old I bought the Abbey Road album (LP!) on the day that it was released in Holland. Long time ago! Together with my girlfriend Monique I (finally) visited Abbey Road on April 23rd, 2005. You can see me crossing over...........
...........and both of us standing at the street-sign.
Niels Tovgaard writes: In May 2005 the Beatles lover - Hanne Marie Tovgaard from Denmark - visited the famous Abbey Road Crossing. She is the happy woman to the left.........
.........At home in Denmark Hanne Marie has a box with original Beatles materials from the 60's. She is a teacher and the kids in school love to see these old materials......... Thanks for the pictures Niels
When Peter & Judy Conrad made their recent trip to the UK from Ohio, USA, I had the pleasure of meeting them and hearing about Peter's musical skills and the fact that he was on his way to Liverpool to perform at the legendary Cavern Club...........
............Above, on 4th May 2005 this was Peter at the Studio entrance..........
..........followed by Judy. They discovered that they had missed seeing George Martin arrive at the Studios by just 10 minutes! ........
.........Jeff Jarratt and Peter at the Abbey Road Café.

It was an unusually cold and windy day so it was good to be able to meet at the Café for a chat and hot drink before Peter and Judy had to make their way to............

............Liverpool! This is Peter performing together with John MacCrafrae at the Cavern Club on May 7th 2005.
Graham Watson writes: I visited London two weeks ago, with a business associate from Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, and our priority stop was Abbey Road and of course the Café, where your coffee runs rings around Starbucks. (thanks Graham) We are Mike Farrell from Cincinnati Ohio USA and I am Graham Watson (ex-pat Brit) from Fort Wayne Indiana USA - formerly of Merseyside. Picture 1 is Mike on the Crossing...........
...........Picture 2 is Graham at the Abbey Road Café. Pictures taken on May 8, 2005. - Two avid Beatles fans had a good time before going up to Liverpool. Sincerely, Graham Watson, Ft Wayne, Indiana USA
This is Luc, Sylvie and Marielle from Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada. They Crossed Over on April 2nd 2005