December 2012

"This is a picture of me, Éder Nobre, Crossing Over on 27 November 2012. I am from Campo Grande, MS, Brazil."
"This is 'travelling phill brady' and 'rachel evans' (both from Australia) @ midnight on 12/12/12"
This picture was sent by Emma Polkinghorne. If you want to send us details of who is in the photo we can add the details later Emma!
Another year almost over. How can the time pass by so quickly? Last week my wife and I visited some very good friends who live in Munich in Germany. We have been there before but never tire of what this beautiful city has to offer. At this time of year there are of course the famous Christmas Markets taking place. There are apparently about 20 of them scattered around the city. Walking around listening to the music, looking at the myriad of Christmas toys and decorations, eating a delicious bratwurst and drinking a glass of traditional hot gluhwein really gets you into the right mood for this wonderful time of year. If you have not yet had the opportunity to visit one of these markets I can really recommend it.

......................I wish you all a very Happy Christmas and New Year. Very best wishes - Jeff Jarratt.........................