October 2006

Mike Moore sent us the following note: Greetings from Canada! My family (Mike, Vicki and Alex) made the crossing on April 11th 2006! Here are our pictures............
..............It was a little cool that morning and the road sign was missing - we walked down to the next crossing to get our Abbey Road road sign pictures...................
.............We had a great trip and are so glad we made the Abbey Road stop. We had a great coffee too at the Abbey Road Cafe - Thank you! Mike, Vicki and Alex Moore Markham, Ontario, Canada
Adam Dutton from Cheshire, CT, USA 'Crossed Over' on 10th August 2006
The 22nd September 2006 was the special day when Lykke Søndergaard - who is from Denmark - Crossed Over
This is Rick from Lincoln, England standing at the studio entrance...................
............just before 'Crossing Over' during his visit to Abbey Road on 15th October 2006
After several attempts Marta Velartova managed to get this message and great picture through to us: I love your website! It is very nice to see all the beatlemaniacs from the whole World crossing Abbey Road. I am looking forward to doing it again next year! Love, Marta
Young Jennie Dunne from Australia has been promising to send some photos ever since her trip back in May 2006 and they have finally arrived!...........
................Jennie on the steps..............
...................with the Crossing and so often ignored monument behind her...............
.............and Crossing Over just one more time!
Andrea from Spain was so pleased to be Crossing Over during her visit to England in August 2006 that she forgot to look at the camera :)
This is Iris, Dani and Gabi who visited Abbey Road during their visit to the UK in August 2006.................
....................Because there was so much traffic they took a separate picture of their 'pose' and cleverly added it the street scene with the addition of Daniel Crossing Over in this picture. Original thinking!
This is Ediz from Istanbul, Turkey.
Ken Gilbert from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada making the crossing...............
...............along with Mark Gilbert from Mississauga, Ontario, Canada during their visit on 30th August 2006
Marta Velartova from Prague in the Czech Republic writes: Me and the other members of The Beatles Czech Fan Club finally visited Abbey Road Cafe.I send you our photos from this August, when we went to BeatleWeek in Liverpool - again!! (for fifth time!!!) and when we returned back home, we spent a little time in London. The pictures are: 1) Ruena, Marta, Jana and Mia crossing over.................
.................. 2) Marta, Rùena, Jana and Mía on the famous steps...........
............3) girls in front of Abbey Road Café..........
............4) Marta sitting on the famous steps........
.............and 5) Marta and Rùena on web camera
And finally, Luis Ini from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, was one very happy man when his wife Gloria captured the historic moment of him Crossing Over on 21st September 2006